E.C Comics Thoughts (2 points)

 From a first glance, I didn’t quite see a big difference in terms of art style with the works of E.C Comics, though after reading a little bit more into it I could kind of start to pick out how the artist would emphasize certain features in a character’s face or body language to make it appear a bit creepier in a way. For example, the way some characters’ eyes are drawn could almost be described as crazed, and that also pertains to the way the monsters/creatures are drawn as well. This inclusion, in my opinion, is something that would most likely give me nightmares or at least an unsettled feeling if I was a child reading this. But besides the art, I can start to see how E.C Comics was beginning to target the older audiences with their writing. Darker tones and themes, like death, violence, and horror, are all something that were probably never before seen in comics by younger readers. However, for older readers, this might strike a chord with them in many different ways. Those who might have been traumatized by war, experienced deeper levels of sadness than those depicted in silly day to day comics, or perhaps something more are all reasons why an older audience would enjoy these stories on a more even level than let’s say a kid who still can’t really grasp the concept of death. I understand I am only through a super small lense of what the entire history is comprised of, but from what I can see, these stories blend together the rich and sometimes fantastical story elements of a full-length novel while still keeping the childlike novelty of a comic book, which I presume many adults were searching for all along. By consuming these types of comics, E.C essentially created a whole new market for comic book readers that went above and beyond society’s view of a simple kid comic. Because now that adults could find characters to relate to within these more fleshed out stories, the idea of growing out of comics could be challenged further, if not already discussed previously.


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